When determining what cremation equipment to purchase for Pine Grove
Crematorium it was determined that we wanted to have fuel efficient
cremators, a dustless environment, and ease of operation for the staff.
After review of several manufacturers we found that B & L Cremation
Systems had the system and ancillary equipment to meet our needs.
The cremator is a B & L Systems Model N-20AA Human cremator which
operates on propane fuel. The deceased remains are placed in the
primary chamber of the cremator and the door is closed. After a preheat
of the afterburning chambers by the auxiliary burner, initial and
supplementary combustion is provided by a propane fired burner located
in the primary chamber of the cremator. Once material combustion is
initiated, the rate of the combustion is controlled by limiting both the
combustion air and fuel supplied to the primary chamber through the
primary burner. This process generates a highly combustible gas mixture
that flows into a secondary chamber where more air is admitted to
insure further oxidation of the gases. The auxiliary burner is
installed in the secondary chamber of the cremator to facilitate
complete combustion of all gaseous materials entering this chamber.
The Department of Environmental Protection requires that operating temperatures in the secondary chamber shall be maintained at or above 1600 degrees F with a stack gas retention time for at least 1.0 seconds. At Pine Grove Crematorium the set point for combustion is 1650 degrees F to allow for any temperature fluctuations. After the gases pass through the secondary chamber they pass through an afterburner chamber under the hearth before exiting through the stack at approximately 550 degrees F.
After the process is complete the cremator is cooled to at least 800 degrees F. The cremated remains are then swept out of the side of cremator through clean out door and placed into a remains tray. The remains tray is then placed onto a cooling table to cool down to room temperature for proper handling by Pine Grove Crematorium Staff.
The cremated remains are then placed onto the processing table of the BL-499 Processing Center. This is where the cremated remains are checked for any metals that may be part of a prosthetic or from part of the container that is required for cremation. The other bone fragments are then placed into the pulverizor which is a process that reduces the bone fragments to a powder like constancy after the cremation. Then these cremated remains are placed directly into the permanent or temporary urn.
Throughout this process the remains and cremated remains are identified with the tracking slip and the permanent or temporary urn is properly labeled. |
 B&L Systems Model N-20AA
 Sweeping cremated remains
 BL-499 Processing Center